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Jinyinhu Campus of Union Hospital carries out its first intraoperative ultrasound 5G remote cross-disciplinary consultation

Time:Jul 19, 2021

The Remote Consultation Centre, Ultrasonography Dept. at the Main Campus of Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology ("Union Hospital" for short), together with the Ultrasonography Dept. and Urology Dept. at the Jinyinhu Campus, applied the 5G remote consultation platform and provided intraoperative ultrasound cross-disciplinary consultation to five patients at the Jinyinhu Campus.



Main Campus of Union Hospital

For the first time since the opening of the Jinyinhu Campus, a team from Ultrasonography Dept., led by Prof. XIE Mingxing and Prof. LYU Qing, used the 5G remote consultation system to provide intraoperative ultrasound remote instructions to a campus. This also marked the first case of inter-campus consultation realized with the help of the ultrasound remote consultation platform and gave a boost to the realization of 5G intelligent healthcare at the Jinyinhu Campus. The technology was applied to enable real-time exchange and consultation between the main campus and other campuses of Union Hospital anywhere, anytime and achieve homogeneous medical services across all campuses.

Jinyinhu Campus

Supported by the 5G remote ultrasound consultation platform, Ultrasonography Dept. at the Jinyinhu Campus has put in place a cross-disciplinary cooperation model characterized by "one operation, real-time three-party live streamingwith the engagement of multiple experts". With remote "face-to-face" instructions given by a number of experts, including Prof. LYU Qing at the Jinyinhu Campus, Prof. WANG Shaote and Dr. YU Cheng at the Main Campus, the intraoperative ultrasonography team and the urology team at the Jinyinhu Campus worked closely together, achieved providing a customized solution to each patient by the display of multi-scenario, virtually zero-latency ultrasonic and intraoperative images.

Jinyinhu Campus

Unlike traditional ultrasonic diagnosis which is often deficient in communication between clinicians, the ultrasound remote consultation platform based on high-speed, reliable and low-latency 5G technology allows the experts engaged in online consultation. They can not only view smoothly transmitted high-definition ultrasonic images, but also give the doctors real-time instructions on operations. In this way, real-time synchronous interconnectivity of images, voices and scenarios is realized.