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The Health Forum of SCO Forum on People-to-People Friendship held successfully

Time:Jun 4, 2021

The Health Forum of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Forum on People-to-People Friendship was held in Wuhan successfully on the afternoon of June 2. Chinese and foreign participants discussed and reached a consensus on a wide range of topics, including public health governance, quality development of healthcare services, disease prevention and control, and international drug regulation and mutual recognition, and made joint commitment to build a community of health for all.

President HU Yu delivers a keynote speech.

President HU Yu was invited to the forum and delivered a keynote speech titled "Drive quality development of healthcare services with innovation and build a community of health for all". He introduced the practices and experiences of Wuhan Union Hospital of China in boosting quality development of healthcare services in three aspects, technological innovation, service innovation and cooperation innovation. Since President Xi Jinping proposed that "we must champion the vision of building a global community of health for all" in March last year, Wuhan Union Hospital has responded to his call actively and gave counsel on the optimization of diagnosis and treatment plans, the drafting of international guidelines and joint science and technology programs. "It is only possible to quicken the pace of building a global community of health for all through international cooperation and innovation." President HU Yu added that the hospital, as a hospital affiliated to Huazhong University of Science and Technology, a top-tier university in China, will bring into play its privilege to drive quality development of healthcare services, strengthen science & technology innovation and talent development, broaden the health social network of SCO, and work with all health professionals in all countries to address unexpected public health risks and protect health and happiness of mankind in the future.

Vice President HUANG Kai chairs the forum

The forum was a star-studded grand event. Our hospital was the organizer of the workshop on "Quality development of healthcare services", chaired by Vice President HUANG Kai. Randy Schekman, winner ofthe 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, sent a video he shot for the forum specially. Amidst the impact caused by the COVID-19, international cooperation on science is more apparently and urgently needed. He said, "We must find the drugs and methods to contain the COVID-19 pandemic as soon as possible through cooperation; and we must conquer some complicated and challenging diseases through cooperation". ZHANG Boli, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, shared his experience in the application of traditional Chinese medicine to the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia. LIU Qian, President of Chinese Hospital Association, believed that health cooperation has always been an integral part of friendly cooperation of SCO and three "green channels" in management exchange, technical cooperation and patient services should be put in place through inter-hospital cooperation.

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winner Randy Schekman speaks in a video

The forum was honored with the presence of envoys of Uzbekistan, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Mongolia in China, among others. More than 180 experts and scholars from public health and medical service organizations, universities, and leading companies attended the forum. There was a general consensus among the participants that "against the backdrop of a global war against COVID-19, the forum, centering on the topic of sticking together to fight the virus and build a global community of health for all, happens at the right moment and has great significance."

The SCO People's Diplomacy Forum was co-organized by The Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation Commission of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (GNFCC SCO), the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the provincial government of Hubei. On the afternoon of June 3, TU Yuanchao, Director of the Health Commission of Hubei Province, sponsor of the Health Forum of the SCO Forum on People-to-People Friendship, made a presentation on the achievements of the Health Forum, at the opening ceremony. A local health cooperation demonstration area of the SCO in China was envisaged to demonstrate the Hubei example and Hubei experience in health administration, by forming an alliance of regional disease control organizations, and building regional health demonstration bases. Union Hospital will play a part in the development of the demonstration area and put in place effective mechanisms to foster cross-disciplinary communication, academic studies, exchange of talent, and student education.