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Professor WANG Lin won the 13th "China Young Women Scientist Award"

Time:May 27, 2017

On February 28th, the 13th China Young Women Scientist Award Ceremony was held in Beijing. Ten outstanding female scientists won the 13th "China Young Women Scientist Award".

Professor WANG Lin from Wuhan Union Hospital was awarded for her fruitful research and application in the field of regenerative medicine.

"China Young Women Scientist Award" established in 2004, by the National Women's Federation, China Association for Science and Technology, China Committee of UNESCO and L'Oreal (China) is the development and extension of "to join the science of women" program of L'Oreal-UNESCO in China . "China Young Women Scientist Award" each year in recognition of 10 female scientists under the age of 45 in the field of basic science innovation, and obtain important scientific research achievements , to encourage female scientists for innovative China and world's science and technology. Over the past 13 years, 115 female scientists from 21 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region have received this award.