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Lecture of "German Laboratory Biosafety and Regulations on Labor Protection" was successfully held in Union Hospital

Time:Jul 10, 2019

In the afternoon of 28th May 2019, as a part of the "Double first-class" international cooperation project with the University of Duisburg-Essen, the lecture of "German Laboratory Biosafety and Regulations on Labor Protection" was successfully held in Union Hospital. 60 staff and students from the Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Union Hospital attended the lecture.

Associate Prof. MEI Heng, vice-director of the Department of Scientific Research, delivered a welcome speech. He reviewed the history of collaboration and the profound friendship between Union Hospital and the University of Duisburg-Essen and extended his warm welcome to Prof. LU Mengji on behalf of the hospital. He is looking forward to have further mutual cooperation in the field of medical scientific research.

Dr. LU Mengji, apl. professor, tutor for PhD student of University Hospital of Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen gave the lecture. He gave an in-depth explanation of the concept of laboratory safety, the management mode in Germany, biosecurity and the regulations on labor protection, sharing the experience of the University of Duisburg-Essen. At the end of the lecture, based on his observation of the laboratory management in Union Hospital, he listed some suggestions for the future management.

Prof. LU gave a lecture with vivid explanations which triggered many interactions and heated discussions. Audience agreed that this lecture was rich in content and interesting in form, so that they had a much deeper understanding of the laboratory safety.

The lecture was hosted by GAO Feng, director of the International Exchange Office. Staff from relevant departments of the Tongji Medical College of HUST, Department of Infectious Diseases, Department of Scientific Research, Graduate Management Office, Graduate Education Office and International Exchange Office of Union Hospital attended the lecture.