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Conjoined twins celebrate 10 years of good health after separation

Time:Nov 29, 2019

Undergoing a separation procedure five months after they were born conjoined 10 years ago in Wuhan Union Hospital, twin sisters recently returned to the hospital to celebrate their 10th year of growing up healthy.

Zhang Ling, the elder sister, and Zhang Long, whose given names combined mean "exquisite", were born joined at the hip bone in June 2009, in Yunmeng county, Xiaogan city of Hubei province. They shared organs in their urinary, digestive, reproductive and bone systems.

A team consisting of over 30 medical staff members from several divisions in Wuhan Union Hospital and led by Tang Shaotao, director of pediatric surgery, conducted an 11-hour operation on the twins and successfully separated them.

Now the twins are studying in grade three at a primary school.

Nothing on Zhang Ling shows she once underwent the operation. She is taller than her younger sister, and is totally the same as her peers.

A little bit of difference can be observed in Zhang Long when she walks. Zhang Long is scheduled to have further operations when she grows up.

The twins are easygoing, cheerful and talkative.

"I scored 90 in my English exam," Zhang Long said when talking about her school performance.

"I scored 100, full credit in physical education," Zhang Ling said.

The hospital will continue watching the twins and safeguarding their health, a medical staff member at the hospital said.