一、 就诊环境
二、 医疗条件
三、 服务模式
四、 服务范围
1. 各国驻汉使馆官员与家属;
2. 在汉商会、外企、合资企业的外国企业家、员工与家属;
3. 来汉学习工作的国外专家与家属;
4. 观光旅游的外国宾朋;
5. 外国留学生;
6. 国内有特殊需求的个人及团体。
1 预约及工作时间: 周一至周五: 8:00~12:00 14:30~17:30
就诊地点: 武汉协和医院新门诊9楼
2 就诊当天请携带有效证件(身份证、护照、工作证等)以及既往病历资料。提前10分钟到达国际门诊部,办理相关就诊手续。
3 由于各种原因不能按预约就诊时间就诊者,请务必提前24小时与国际门诊部联系取消预约;过时未到又未提前取消预约者,视患者情况我部将不再为其提供国际门诊医疗服务。
4 当日内同一专家就诊免复诊费用,当日不同专家就诊需收取不同专家就诊费用。
1 国际门诊实施预约制度,实行精准预约、分时预约。
2 就诊全过程实现了“医护一体化模式”,护理人员全程参与就诊,就诊实现了“二对一”即一名医师加一名护士服务于一名患者。护理服务则实行“一对一”全程“一条龙”陪同服务,与患者的沟通更顺畅,尽可能在最短的时间内满足就医者的医疗护理需求。
3 为就诊患者提供绿色通道服务,B超、ECG、抽血、输液等检查、治疗项目在国际门诊就可以完成。大型检查由护理人员预约后陪同患者一同前往,尽可能在当日完成。
4 提供日间护理病房,完成简单治疗,为麻醉胃镜、小手术、输液治疗患者提供护理单元,满足不同疾病患者的需求。
5 提供预约检查服务,为患者拿取、留存、保管各种检验、CT、MRI等检查报告。
6 针对每一位就诊患者在一星期内通过电话、短信或e-mail等方式进行回访,了解病情转归,就医、护理服务质量,意见建议等。另外,针对就诊、复诊时间,预约检查、住院时间,相关疾病、护理注意事项,健康教育等都会通过电话、短信或e-mail的形式给予温馨提示。
7 为就诊患者提供免费就诊病历、资料袋。提供免费热饮、冷饮,茶点等,为不熟悉地理环境的外籍患者提供呼叫出租车服务,将人文关怀做到细微之处。
8 为就诊患者、家属、陪同人员,以及远道而来的患者提供休息、休闲区,在就诊的同时也能感受到国际门诊部的温暖。
Brief introduction of International Outpatient Department of Union Hospital
Union Hospital, affiliated with TongJi Medical College, HuaZhong University of Science and Technology, is a major general teaching hospital, which is founded by Dr. Griffith John, a British missionary in 1866.
In 2015, basing on the west district, the first International Outpatient Department in Hubei province was established in Union Hospital, which aims at providing high quality medical treatment and health care to foreign patients. Now relying on the modern outpatient building, the strong technical strength, the international service mode, the convenient and warm medial environment, the healthcare team of Union Hospital International Outpatient Department and the branch of west district will make efforts to provide a full range of medical care and excellent nursing care for all patients who come from all corners of the world. Sticking to the philosophy of “Benevolence and Mercy, Collaboration and Harmony”, International Outpatient Department of Union Hospital has received more than 1500 foreign patients who came from Britain, United States, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, etc. since 2015.
1.Medical Care Environment
The International Outpatient Department locates on 9th floor of modern outpatient building with 1200 m2, which is bright, spacious, quiet, clean and comfortable. Patients staying in the department or the large hanging garden will have a bird view of the WuGuang business center plaza and ZhongShan Park, and also can enjoy the delicious coffee and Chinese tea.
2.Medical Care Service
The International Outpatient Department has around 40 specialized medical services include departments of internal medicine, general surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, stomatology, ophthalmology, E.N.T, dermatology and so on. All departments have advance technology and abundant medical resources, and the well-known doctors with overseas experiences will by side to meet patient’s health needs. Nurses and medical technicians are selected very carefully and all have the strong skills in English communication with our foreign guests.
3.Medical Care Process
The International Outpatient Department offers appointment system, which aims at making an appointment with specialized expert basing on the needs of the patients. Then the professional nurses and medical guides will accompany and make everything in advance, also will provide “coordinated-process” and “green channel” medical service for every foreign patient. We trust with sincerity, love, patience and carefulness, we win the trust of patients.
4.Medical Care Serve People
All foreign embassy officials and their families
All foreign businessmen and their families
All foreign experts, professors and their families
All foreign visitors
All foreign students
All other Chinese special needs individuals and groups
United service hotline:027-85726646
Emergency contact:18302702030
If you have any problems about medical care, please don’t hesitate to call us, please feel free to ask questions, we are by your side at any time!
Wuhan Union Hospital
International Outpatient Department
Medical Care Process
PS:Working hours: Mon~ Fri8:00am~12:00 am 2:30pm~5:30pm
Service hotline:027-85726646
Emergency contact:18302702030
Address:The 9th floor of the outpatient building,
Wuhan Union Hospital (Wuhan Metro, Line 2, Zhongshan Park, C Exit)